It doesn't look as good as the order but it is like 10 times bigger than the order in terms of content. Like a movie it's best enjoyed by just letting the narrative take you on the journey rather than trying to guess the ending. Story: Although a little predictable for the more knowledgable batman fan, the majority of people will fall into the hook. The batmobile is fun to play and so far I'm enjoying the tank battles, but hopefully we see some variation later in the game. The old mechanics have been polished moving it into the new generation of gaming. Gameplay: Nothing too different from the previous Arkham games but this does it better. The game is massive, so much content I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface. The game is massive, so much content I feel The best batman game EVER!!!! I picked it up at midnight and haven't stopped playing it since.

The best batman game EVER!!!! I picked it up at midnight and haven't stopped playing it since. This is the true Batman simulator and it´s totally worth it. I'm currently at 87% of completion and about to start new game plus. Go play the game and check for yourselves, I haven't had this much fun this generation yet. Again, WHAT? It´s a side mission, it's supposed to be like that, and while it's true they don't follow the main story line, all of them play a huge part in the plot and really feel like missions from the Batman universe. I've also seen people complaining about the side missions, saying they are unrelated to the main story. When a developer offers fewer options, people complain about it, when it gives dozen of side missions, lots of different enemy types to deal with in battle and in predator mode and a huge number of was you can deal with enemies, people say it's too much? Go understand. I've seen people complaining that the game has far too much things to do and variety? What? Seriously? It´s an open world game, for Christ's sake. People like to complain, and it seems as if this game is their new target. While I agree they could have downsized the use of the bat mobile as a tank by a it, it isn't nearly as frustrating and a deal breaker as some have said it. Never mind the haters and the complaints, if you liked both previous games (from Rocksteady), you're gonna love this one. Never mind the haters and the complaints, if Batman: Arkham Knight is everything Arkham Asylum and Arkham City were, but bigger and better.

Batman: Arkham Knight is everything Arkham Asylum and Arkham City were, but bigger and better.