The field station near the outskirts of the Stump area has been moved into the Stump itself for higher visibility and utility.EMP Bomb applies a large DoT (damage over time) to O.R.C. Edible mushrooms are placed under all large mushrooms in the Upper Yard.Text chat messages filter for profanity.Spiny Water Fleas now have a very small chance to drop Pond Moss when looted.Slightly increased the stamina cost of staff attacks.Quartzite and Marble of all tiers now default stack to 99 (cannot be upgraded further via milk molars).Mant combo attacks are no longer interrupted via perfect blocks.BURG.L will now only give Artificer quests for items the player has not yet crafted.Relocating a building will no longer be canceled if you stumble into combat with a creature.Javamatic fight spawns fewer creatures in single-player now to make it less difficult.Toxicology Badge now provides 90% gas damage resistance instead of full immunity.

Mosquitos in the Grasslands do not spawn until 1 Super Chip is turned in.Doubled duration/durability of all torches.Doubled base durability of most weapons and armor.Notable game balance and difficulty changes in Grounded 1.0.2 Fixed the wrong offhand animation playing while blocking with a one-handed weapon and wielding a torch.Text-To-Speech no longer narrates chat text twice.Text-To-Speech no longer narrates your own chat messages.Game Report Card screen works for clients instead of showing a black screen.Games that have turned in every Super Chip but did not get the next quest update will properly fix upon load.Diving the Depths survival quest will correctly complete analyzing objectives that have already been done.Relocating buildings near Partition buildings no longer lowers framerate.Presents no longer show up under unbuilt Holiday Trees.Game Report Card scores are no longer sometimes surprisingly low on game completion.